“The Sleeper” by Walter de la Mare

"The Sleeper"

As Ann came in one summer's day,

She felt that she must creep,

So silent was the clear cool house,

It seemed a house of sleep.

And sure, when she pushed open the door,

Rapt in the stillness there,

Her mother sat, with stooping head,

Asleep upon a chair;

Fast—fast asleep; her two hands laid

Loose-folded on her knee,

So that her small unconscious face

Looked half unreal to be:

So calmly lit with sleep's pale light

Each feature was; so fair

[ . . . ]

Walter de la Mare's poem "The Sleeper" was published in Georgian Poetry, 1911-1912. To read this poem in full in a digitized version of this publication, follow the link(s) below:
