“Star-Talk” by Robert Graves


'Are you awake, Gemelli,

This frosty night?'

'We'll be awake till reveillé,

Which is Sunrise,' say the Gemelli,

'It's no good trying to go to sleep:

If there's wine to be got we'll drink it deep,

But rest is hopeless to-night,

But rest is hopeless to-night.'


'Are you cold too, poor Pleiads,

This frosty night?'

'Yes, and so are the Hyads:

See us cuddle and hug,' say the Pleiads,

'All six in a ring : it keeps us warm:

We huddle together like birds in a storm:

It's bitter weather to-night,

It's bitter weather to-night.'


[ . . . ]


Robert Graves' poem "Star-Talk" was published in Georgian Poetry, 1916-1917. To read this poem in full in a digitized version of this publication, follow the link(s) below:


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