“Postlude” by William Carlos Williams


Now that I have cooled to you
Let there be gold of tarnished masonry,
Temples soothed by the sun to ruin
That sleep utterly.
Give me hand for the dances,
Ripples at Philse, in and out,
And lips, my Lesbian,
Wall flowers that once were flame.

[ . . . ]

William Carlos Williams poem "Interlude" was published in the 1914 Des Imagistes anthology. To read this poem in full in a digitized version of this publication, follow the links below:


The Blue Mountain Project (The Glebe)

The Modernist Journals Project (The Glebe)

The Modernist Journals Project (Publisher: Albert and Charles Boni, NY)

The Modernist Journals Project (Publisher: The Poetry Bookshop, London)